The mission of Harborside Hospice is to provide quality and compassionate care to individuals and their families preparing for end of life. Our team is sensitive to the needs of each individual. Harborside Hospice recognizes that each patient is unique and each individual's desires and goals may change as end of life approaches.
It is paramount to our mission that we ensure patient comfort through the management of symptoms by addressing the physical, psycho-social and spiritual needs of those in our care. This is achieved with a well-coordinated multi-disciplinary team of professionals who assess and develop an individualized plan of care for each patient. Our professionals include the Hospice Medical Director, Nurses, Social Worker, Chaplain, Bereavement Coordinator, Hospice Aides and Volunteers. Our hospice care team is organized to provide a continuum of care for each individual consistent with their needs. All members of our hospice team are dedicated to the care and end of life goals of each individual and their family.